Information and contacts
European Academy of English for Health Professionals Windsor House, 15 Windsor Terrace Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin info@eaehp.org

English courses for Health Professionals
Use English with confidence in the workplace and hold conversations with international colleagues using technical vocabulary specific to your field. These intensive courses are highly interactive and you will develop professional language skills…
Professional editorial services
European Academy of English for Health Professionals offer specialist, expert professional editorial services tailored specifically to students, researchers and specialists in the health sector. We can offer unique thesis, essay,…

Patrizia Cornacchione, Senior Diagnostic Radiographer
The Course has been a great opportunity to develop my professional knowledge of English and to meet new colleagues! I really enjoyed the contents and activities of the course that…

Andrea Roletto, Diagnostic Radiographer
I was in my last year of College when I attended the Scientific English course for Health Professionals (Radiography) in Dublin. This experience definitely improved my English language knowledge. It…

Moreno Zanardo, BSc PhD Candidate Radiography
In addition to being a training course on the specific English vocabulary of our profession, it is a fantastic experience for sharing and comparing different working realities. Very good teachers…

Course for Physiotherapists
Scientific English courses for Physiotherapists The European Academy of English for Health Professionals offer intensive professional English language courses specifically developed for Physiotherapists. Our offer include the 1-week English courses…

Course for Nurses
Working in progress. Courses will be announced soon.