The European Academy of English for Health Professionals aims to provide individual health professionals and professionals bodies across Europe with high-quality, professionally-focused English language training in order to help overcome existing communication barriers. We aim to provide non-native English-speaking health professionals with the confidence to become involved in international organisations and to actively participate in international congresses. Our English courses are delivered by health professionals and expert English-language teachers.
We are now offering intensive, short, professional English language courses of 1 to 3 days in duration which can be delivered locally to your organisation / institution. These courses can be tailored to meet the requirements of the hosting organisation and may include topics such as:
- Abstract writing
- Presentation skills
- Proposal writing
- Scientific writing
- Presentation skills
- Scientific presentation skills
- Manuscript preparation and the review process
Additional, profession specific topics may include
- Radiation protection (for radiographers)
- Patient care and communication skills
- Profession specific examination and therapy topics (for physiotherapists and radiographers)
The maximum numbers per course would be limited to allow a focused / individualised approach.
Complete and submit the following Form to hear more about the different course options.